Digital Health Essential
+ Roche Personalized Healthcare
+ Pharma Digital
+ Digital Patient, Digital Doctor
+ Innovative Digital Healthcare
Keynote speakers
Lars Dahl Allerup is co-founder & CEO of the Danish think-tank, Rethink Value, and Senior Advisor at Rud Pedersen Public Affairs, the leading European advisory firm in healthcare market access and public affairs. The ambition of Rethink Value is to inspire stakeholders and decision-makers in healthcare and industry by serving as a differentiator, catalyst and advocate of tangible strategic partnerships between healthcare payers, providers and industry. Lars Dahl Allerup has more than 13 years of experience from strategic public procurement in the Danish health system during his tenure with The Capital Region of Denmark, the largest payer and provider in the country, constituting 30 % of the Danish health system. Lars Dahl Allerup is internationally recognized as a thought-leader in Value-Based Procurement and Public-Private Innovation. His keynote presentation at Digital Health Essential 2022 will be an inspirational talk about the development of Danish public procurement in healthcare the last 15 years: moving from volume-based and price focused tenders, towards Value-Based Procurement. The keynote also highlights the reasoning behind using Public-Private Innovation to solve healthcare challenges through real-world use cases.
Dr. Antal Feller received his doctorate in 1986 from the Faculty of Chemical Technology at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. After research work at the Egis Pharmaceutical Company, he worked as a market analyst. Dr. Feller started working for Hungaropharma Gyógyszerkereskedelmi Zrt. in 1999, which he has led as its CEO since 2010. He is the President of the Hungarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers and was elected board member of the European Healthcare Distribution Association (GIRP) in 2021, where he represents the section for the alliance of small and medium-sized countries and is also a member of the GIRP committee for economic and social affairs and the advisory body for supply chain solutions.
The 2nd Digital Health Summit was September 30th, 2021. We had around 421 guests and 21 journalists attended.
The Digital Health Summit brings together public and private health care, digital pharma, and manufacturers of digital medical products, venture capitalists ynd startups from around Hungary, to network, exchange ideas and to become more familiar with opportunities in Hungary. Our independent conference will become a significant event for many companies in the DH industry and is particularly important in Hungary given the explosion of business and entrepreneurship in the region.
Digital health is the convergence of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. The discipline involves the use of information and communication technologies to help address the health problems and challenges faced by people under treatment. These technologies include both hardware and software solutions and services, including telemedicine, web-based analysis, email, mobile phones and applications, text messages, wearable devices, and clinic or remote monitoring sensors. Generally, digital health is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques, and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and their clients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing.
Digital health is a multi-disciplinary domain involving many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and data management.
Who attends
- + Providers / Health Systems
- + Payers
- + Pharma
- + Health Tech
- + Platform Technology Pioneers
- + Big Tech
- + Investors
Why attend?
- + INSPIRED. Our speakers are leading real business transformation, driving change across the enterprise and actioning measurable digital innovation for their businesses. Get motivated from leaders and walk away with new ideas you can implement.
- + CHALLENGED. Rethink your current processes and business blueprints, the event speakers will challenge your way of thinking and allow you to realise that new methods may be your best way of moving forward sitting alongside your current beliefs.
- + TRANSFORMED. The conference agenda and speakers are put together as such to reveal insights into how some of the biggest organisations are going about digital, from real business use cases to success stories and where the challenges may lie.
- + NETWORKING. It's an invaluable part of events and where real value often presents itself, meeting those who are facing the same challenges and coming together to solve similar issues. Our agendas feature numerous opportunities throughout the day to meet like minded folk from various industries and backgrounds. We have previously had extremely positive feedback from delegates who have found long lasted business relationships with those who they wouldn't normally meet from opposite industries and largely seeking out the same solutions to industry wide transformation sticking points.
07.30 - 08.30 | Registration, breakfast, networking |
08.50 - 08.55 | Opening - Molnár Rita (DHE, founder) |
08.56 - 09.15 | Parallel realities: public vs. private healthcare - The majority of the Hungarian people are already using private health services in parallel or instead of the public health services. Szinapszis is monitoring continuously the attitude, preferences and own experience of the Hungarian people regarding private and public health services. In the presentation we’ll show the observed differences between the two systems and also comparing the level of trust in the different types of service providers based upon the most recent data from 2022 Q1 - Balázs Kertész (Szinapszis) |
09.16 - 09.27 | Is it possible? Data-driven hospital management in Hungarian hospitals - Domestic hospitals have adopted a variety of corporate governance tools over the past decades. In corporate governance, it is now evident that the basis for efficient and effective management is having as broad and complex information as possible. But the question arises: what is the situation with Hungarian hospitals and the national organisation that manages them? - Levente Havas (IFUA Horváth) és György Szamosvári (Oracle Hungary) |
09.28 - 09.52 | Keynote: Digitalisation, the inevitable good - New mindsets, new tools and new achievements in the pharmaceutical trade – Current digital solutions and aspirations of the Hungarian healthcare industry, including the pharmaceutical trade. What are the potential and benefits of digitalisation in pharmaceutical logistics and sales, and what conditions are necessary for further development? A European perspective by the European Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers: where is the digitalisation of the pharmaceutical trade in Europe and what are the goals? What can we learn from the leaders in this field, and where is domestic commerce on the digital map today? - Dr. Antal Feller (Hungaropharma) |
09.53 - 10.18 | Keynote: Fostering innovation through value-based healthcare and procurement: The Danish experience. Public-Private Innovation and Value-Based Procurement are the hidden gems among the most powerful agents of change towards future sustainable health systems. Experiences will be shared from the last 15 years of public procurement in Danish healthcare. - Lars Dahl Allerup (Rethink Value, Dánia) powered by Roche Hungary |
10.19 - 10.41 | Keynote: Healthcare IT Developments - One of the key goals of Hungarian healthcare IT is to increase the quality and efficiency of care by exploiting health data. Existing healthcare information systems, including National eHealth Infrastructure, have built a foundation for further healthcare development, for transitioning from care-focused to service-centric healthcare, and digitizing procedures and protocols. Our tasks for the next period are expanding and developing the use of existing solutions, and designing new digital solutions, tools and services. - Bálint Szabó (EESZT) |
10.42 - 11.01 | coffee break, networking |
11.02 - 11.40 | Is Pharma ready for the Future of Health? - Tibor Kövesi (Roche), Kuuno Vaher (AstraZeneca), Jānis Meikšāns, MD (Teva), Moderator: József Bulcsú Fenyvesi, LL.M (Oppenheim Law Firm) |
11.41 - 12.03 | Disease registries and digital Translational Medicine Research Centre in the Central Hospital of Southern Pest - National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases - The Translational Medicine Research Centre-Management Platform developed by the Central Hospital is an integrated research management information technology system with automated solutions to support the efficient and transparent implementation of projects. Digitised process-based research protocols manage patient pathways and research tasks and communication between actors. The Centre's growing database is based on disease registries and ’real world data’ collections, and its advanced data management and analytics platform enables complex analyses and modelling based on specific research needs. - Prof. István Vályi-Nagy, MD (Dél-pesti Centrumkórház) and dr. Attila Máté (eHealth Software Solutions) |
12.03 - 13.01 | lunch, networking |
13.02 - 14.02 | Focus On Value-Based Healthcare - Challenges and opportunities in a value-driven healthcare ecosystem - Dr. Judit Bidló (National Health Insurance Fund), Csaba Grózli, MD (Hungarian Transplant Federation), Zsolt Horváth, MD (Oncoradiology Center of the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital), Prof. Zoltán Kaló, PhD (Semmelweis University) Moderator: Prof. Magdolna Dank, MD (Oncology Clinic of the Faculty of General Medicine of the Semmelweis University) |
14.03 - 14.23 | Biogen presentation - Tamás Nagypál, MD, PhD (Szent Rafael Hospital) és Viktor Sebestyén (Dialóg Communication), powered by Biogen |
14.24 - 15.05 | How the new regulatory environment will impact digitalizations of pharmacies? - Dr. Antal Feller (Hungaropharma), Tamás Kaló (Phoenix), Mátyás Szentiványi, MD (OGYÉI) Moderator: Fanni Márkus (KPMG) |
15.05 - 15.26 | coffee break, networking |
15.28 - 15.45 | ePatients in Hungary: What does the representative, nationwide data show? - We are presenting our population survey on digital health related knowledge, attitudes and use. Data collection for the nationwide, representative “E-patients in Hungary” population survey of 1,500 people took place between October 5-13, 2021, led by the Digital Health Work Group of the Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Semmelweis University. The research was implemented under the OTKA-FK 134372 basic program. In our presentation, we will describe how patients use digital health tools, the advantages and disadvantages of introducing and using these technologies, and how this could transform the doctor-patient relationship. - habil. Győrffy Zsuzsa Ph.D, MD (Semmelweis University) |
15.47 - 16.25 | The digital patient, the digital doctor - panel discussion - Zsolt Abony (Inspira Research), Attila Máté (eHealth Software Solutions), Moderator: Márton Domokos (CMS Law) |
16.26 - 17.05 | Telemedicine and AI - Prof. Ildikó Csóka, MD, PhD. (University of Szeged), habil. Zsuzsa Győrffy Zsuzsa Ph.D., MD (Semmelweis University), Krisztina Davidovics (SU), Moderator: Fruzsina Mezei (Semmelweis University) |
Companies registered for the conference
4IG, 77 Elektronika, Abimed, Atlas Pharma, AstraZeneca, AP Summit Now, Azonnali, Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház, Béker-Soft Informatika, BENU Magyarország, Bismogel, Biogen Magyarország, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Business Rally International, CAE Healthcare, Cormedio, Cytocast Hungary, CooperVision, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Csolnoky Ferenc Kórház, Dél-pesti Centrumkórház, ESZFK Egészséginformatikai Szolgáltató és Fejlesztési Központ, Egészségkalauz, eHealth Software Solutions, Embassy of Switzerland, Euromedic International Hungária, EGIS Gyógyszergyár, Euromedic Trading, Euromedic-Pharma, EitHealth InnoStars e V, Csolnoky Ferenc Kórház, Édes Gyermekünk Alapítvány, eVisit, Dermus, Doktor 24 Medicina, Flexi Medical Hungary, FINATECH Capital Befektetési Alapkezelő, Figyelő, Grepton Informatikai, Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Társa Baker&McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Hungaropharma, HUNGIMPEX, Hospitaly, Iinfomix Számítástechnikai, Inspira Research,, IFUA Horváth, Jacsomedia, Jahn Ferenc Kórház, Józsefvárosi Szent Kozma Egészségügyi Központ, KPLI Kelemen Kinga Ügyvédi Iroda, KPMG, KPMG Tanácsadó, MAD Medical Agile Data, Mályvavirág Alapítvány, Magyar Személyreszabott Egészségügy Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány, Magyar Onkológusok Társasága, Magyar Honvédség Egészségügyi Központ, Magyar Szervátültetettek Szövetsége, Merck KGaA, Népszava, Neumann Medical, Novartis Hungaria, Novodata, Novo Nordisk Hungária, NAEK, OKFŐ, Oncompass Medicine Hungary, Oracle Magyarország, Origin Consulting, Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda, Patika Management, PharmaCloud, Pharmazone WS, Pfizer, Pearl Hungary, Phoenix Hungaria, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, PwC Magyarország, Precognox Informatikai, Richter Gedeon, Roche Magyarország, Robert Bosch, OGYÉI, OKFŐ, Országos Mentőszolgálat, Dr. Sipos Dávid ev., Stratis, Semmelweis Egyetem, Syreon Kutatóintézet, Szinapszis, Szintézis-NET, Szegedi tudományegyetem, Takeda Pharma, Tech Data AS, Telex, TEVA, Triton, QCG Consulting, VIATRIS, Világgazdaság, Webbeteg
Következő konferenciánk:
3. Digital Health Summit, Budapest, 2022. november 17.Előadók 2022
Zsolt has 12 years research experience. He is a survey statistics expert, worked for Nielsen and Ipsos Healthcare. He is responsible for the research management of the division and leads Rx and OTC, local and international quantitative studies, and acts as a strategic advisor. Zsolt's special field is the digital health research among doctors, pharmacists, and patients.
Dr. Judit Bidló has been the Deputy Director General of Pricing and Reimbursement for the National Health Insurance Fund since November 1, 2018.
She has a degree in pharmacy, economics and infobionics. She is a founding member of the Hungarian Society of Health Economics. She gained experience in the pharmaceutical industry at Novartis and the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, of which she was director for 4 years from 2005-2009.
Since 2009, she has been working for the National Health Insurance Fund, and then for its successor, in the field of pricing and reimbursement. She is currently responsible for the operation and financing of outpatient drug reimbursement system, the financing of medical aids and item based reimbursed devices, and the procurement and financing of item based-, and orphan medicinal products. Secretary of the National Molecular Oncoteam at NEAK. In the last 2 years, her main task has been to create outcome-based drug financing and to adapt financing systems to telemedicine systems that come to the fore due to the COVID epidemic.
Szegedi Tudományegyetem egyetemi tanára, a Gyógyszerésztudományi Kar Gyógyszertechnológiai és Gyógyszerfelügyeleti Intézetének intézetvezetője.
A kémiai alapkutatásokat az orvostudományi alkalmazásokkal összekötő gyógyszerfejlesztés tudományterületen végez kutatómunkát és vesz részt alkalmazott kutatásokban, K+F fejlesztésekben és különböző innovatív gyógyszerformák és alternatív beviteli kapuk és megoldások kialakításában a betegek, a gyógyszerfelügyeleti hatóságok és a gyógyszeripar elvárásainak megfelelően. Vezetői feladatok mellett részt vesz a gyógyszerellátáshoz kapcsolódó etikai, jogi, gazdasági, kommunikációs és minőségbiztosítás kurzusok, valamint a gyógyszeriparhoz kapcsolódó gyógyszertechnológiai tárgyak oktatásában.
Ellátja a Szegedi Tudományegyetem stratégiai főigazgatói posztját is, amely révén intézményi szinten irányítja a stratégiailag kiemelt beruházások menedzsmentjét, a kutatás-fejlesztési és innovációs feladatokat, a klinikai kutatásokat és a kapcsolódó projektmenedzsment munkát.
Közéleti-tudományos szerepvállalásai keretében többek között az MTA SZAB Gyógyszerészeti Szakbizottság Gyógyszertechnológiai Munkabizottság elnöke, a Szegedi Gyógyszerészképzés Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány kuratóriumi elnöke, a Magyar Gyógyszerészi Kamara, valamint a Magyar Gyógyszerésztudományi Társaság tagja, a Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete Kozmetikai és Háztartásvegyipari Társaság tudományos titkára.
Oncology Clinic of the Faculty of General Medicine of the Semmelweis University
Prof. Dr. Magdolna Dank received her degree in General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the Semmelweis University. Then she specialized in internal medicine, clinical oncology and clinical pharmacology, and took the certification exam in palliative medicine. Currently she is the president of the Palliative Care Board of Semmelweis University. She is also a postgraduate in complementary legal studies for medical graduates and a qualified healthcare manager. In 2017 she was appointed to university professor. Now she is head professor of the oncology profile at the Internal Medicine and Oncology Clinic of the Faculty of General Medicine of the Semmelweis University, and deputy director of the Clinic.
As a university professor, she gives lectures on the subject of clinical oncology. She was supervisor for several successful PhD dissertation defences as head of a subprogramme at the Doctoral School of Pathological Sciences.
She is member of the management board of several Hungarian oncology societies (Hungarian Cancer Society, Hungarian Society of Senology, treasurer of the Hungarian Head and Neck Society, Hungarian Society of Clinical Oncology).
She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University with a degree in law, and a few years later with a degree in codification. As a legal expert, she gained extensive experience in the field of codification of public law in the Ministry of Justice - first as a codifier and then as a head of department - in many areas of the Hungarian regulatory system, especially in interdisciplinary regulatory tasks by participating in comparative legal working groups and codification committees. Subsequently, between 2012 and 2019, she began working in the field of the application of the law, as head of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Health and Public Administration at Semmelweis University, primarily in organizational management, internal regulation and administrative coordination. Since 2020, she has been working as a dean's advisor, analyst and senior legal expert in the Health Services Management Training Centre of Semmelweis University. As part of this position, she is an active member of the data-driven health, health safety and health policy knowledge centers and working groups of the Health Services Management Training Centre. In addition, since 2020, she has been working as an external expert in the legal professional support of the Health Security Division within the National Data Asset Agency, later within the National Data Economy Knowledge Center. Also since 2020, as an expert, she has been actively taking part in the educational, scientific and consulting activities of the Hungarian Healthcare Management Association. Her main areas of expertise are: data-driven health, legal and ethical issues in the medical applications of artificial intelligence; health policy; regulatory issues in health systems, health system governance.
Márton is a Senior Counsel in the commercial team at CMS Budapest and the Coordinator of the CEE Data Protection Practice. In addition to his Hungarian and international data protection mandates, Márton has gained significant experience in the TMT sector, in the field of health technology and innovative healthcare solutions. He provides legal assistance to a number of pharma and other sector clients relating to their domestic and cross-border digital projects. Besides his legal work, he regularly holds presentations and has an extensive publication activity on artificial intelligence, data protection and compliance matters. Márton is the president of the Data Protection Board of the Direct and Interactive Marketing Association (a FEDMA member), furthermore he is a lecturer at Kürt Academy and at University of Pécs in the Infocommunication LL.M. program.
Graduated from the Janus Pannonius University of Pécs in 1998 and pursued postgraduate studies in EU law at the University of Pécs. Obtained an LLM in International Economic Law at the University of Warwick in 2004. Attended the University of Oxford as a Chevening scholar and received a Magister Juris degree in 2006. Joined the Budapest office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in 2005. Associate of Oppenheim since 2007, partner at the firm since 2010. Head of the Corporate practice of Oppenheim since 2014.
Areas of specialization: Company Law, M&A, Capital MarketTransactions.
Sector experience: Capital markets, Chemicals & Pharma
Languages: Hungarian and English
Dr. Csaba Grózli MSc, strategic and medical director of the Hungarian Transplant Federation since 2018. He received his degree in General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the Semmelweis University in 1990. He graduated from the Budapest University of Economics as marketing economist in 1996, received his degree in PR management in 2000, and then graduated from the Health Services Management Training Centre of the Semmelweis University as healthcare manager in 2015. He has 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical sales, marketing and management, gained while working for pharmaceutical companies Roche, Fujisawa and Astellas. He took part in the introduction of several highly effective products, in setting up patient organizations in various therapeutic fields and connecting them with the professional side. He believes that the future is in patient education and in reinforcing and involving patient organizations.
I am a researcher sociologist, with a PhD degree in Psychology and Habilitation in Health Sciences. In my professional life I attempt to combine the experiences and knowledges of all these scientific areas. I’m the leader of the Semmelweis University Digital Health Research Group.
My fascination with the digital transition began around 2010. As a researcher of medical sociology, my motto has always been: “A person’s zip code is more relevant than their genetic code” – which means that analysing the cultural relevance of the questions raised by digital issues are just as important for me as the technology behind it.
Since 2019 I’ve been the Head of the Behavioural Science in Digital Health working group at Semmelweis University. Our research activities are geared towards investigating how physicians and patients use digital health solutions, what advantages and disadvantages they have by implementing and operating such technologies and how all this shapes their roles and relationships. We also investigate the conditions required for the successful implementation of digital health opportunities from a societal, medical and patient perspective.
He started his career in the IT consulting sector (Processorg, DSS Consulting, Microsoft Hungary) and has been working at IFUA Horváth since 2008. As an expert of business intelligence solutions, he has been working for two decades with integrated decision support systems based on business processes. He has solid experience in developing BI Vision & Roadmap and implementing enterprise reporting solutions, data warehouses, CPM-based planning systems, data mining solutions - with different tools and platforms. In addition to the Controlling Academy, he regularly holds inhouse trainings for companies in differents industries, and gives presentations at professional conferences on various topics related to modern corporate governance and business intelligence.
Oncoradiology Center of the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital
Dr. Zsolt Horváth (M.Sc., Ph.D), physician, health manager. Specialist in internal medicine, clinical oncology, clinical pharmacology, and licensed palliative care physician. He is currently the head of the Oncoradiology Center of the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital and at the same time the chief physician of the National Institute of Oncology (NIO). Previously worked full-time at the NIO and the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen. He was previously the national representative of ESMO, the president of the Hungarian Society of Oncologists, and a former member of the Oncology and Radiation Therapy Section of the College of Health Care. He is one of the organizers of the Hungarian Breast Cancer Consensus Conferences.
He also provides personalized medicine in practice during his daily care but has also participated in a number of related projects.
Tamás Kaló is the COO and Sales Director of PHOENIX Pharma Zrt, and Vice President of the Hungarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers. Tamás graduated in 1995 in economics and has been working for PHOENIX since 1996. He supported the activities of PHOENIX Hungary as Financial Director between 2002-2020, during the time the Company became the market leader wholesaler partner of the Hungarian pharmacies. He took over the duties of Chief Operating Officer and Sales Director in 2020, focusing on innovative services for customers in the pharmaceutical supply chain. He considers an important task to support the digital development of the sector, in which the wholesale industry – directly linked with the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and hospitals – plays a key role. By the digital improvement of logistics, sales and administrative processes of the pharmaceutical supply chain, patients can have faster, safer and more efficient access to the medicines they need, and to important healthcare products, that prevent diseases.
Center for Health Technology Assessment, Semmelweis University
Zoltán Kaló is a Professor of Health Economics at the Center for Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) of Semmelweis University in Budapest, where he is leading a PhD program
in HTA. Before moving to Semmelweis University in July 2019 he was the founder and co-
director of an international master program in Health Policy, Planning and Financing at
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).
Dr. Kaló is also the founder and leader of Syreon Research Institute, an international
research corporation specializing in health policy, health economic modeling and technology
He has 25 years of international experience in academia and industry, specializing in health
systems design, HTA implementation, health economics and outcomes research, patient
access and pricing policies of healthcare technologies.
Dr. Kaló serves as a policy advisor to public decision-makers and global health care
corporations. He was a Scientific Committee member of the Innovative Medicines Initiative
(IMI), a public-private partnership established as a 'joint undertaking' between the European
Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations between
2016-2021. He was a Director and Board Member of ISPOR (the Professional Society for
Health Economics and Outcomes Research) between 2012-2014, and received the Marilyn
Dix Smith Leadership Award of ISPOR in 2021.
Balázs has an MA in Economics and works for Szinapszis from the beginning as the professional leader of researches, also responsible for internal innovation and international relationships. Balázs is a developer Szinapszis’ branded pharmaceutical solutions and research models. Main research areas: sales force effectiveness, pharmaceutical targeting, segmentation, KOL mapping, price sensitivity tests, MCM and digital transition in the pharma industry. Presenter on various Hungarian and International conferences, member end representative of Szinapszis in the European market research associations (ESOMAR, EphMRA).
Tibor Kövesi joined Roche Pharma Hungary's management team in 2020 as Strategic Development & Transformation Center Lead.
In his current position, Tibor and his team is responsible for 3 areas: the strategic priorities of the Hungarian affiliate, the continuous organizational development and introduction of digital, innovative solutions locally.
Before joining Roche, he was a management consultant, most recently Project Leader in Boston Consulting Group's Budapest office. During his 6 years in consulting he led and implemented projects in several industries across 15+ countries, primarily focusing on strategy, go-to-market and organizational development / agile transformation projects.
Tibor is an economist, he holds a Bachelor's degree from Corvinus University of Budapest and a Master's degree from Maastricht University.
Fanni Márkus works at KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm as a lawyer. Fanni is a qualified lawyer from 2017 and member of the Budapest Bar Association. She is specialized in pharmaceutical law and data protection. Advised pharmaceutical, diagnostics service providers on several aspects of their Hungarian operations, including corporate, commercial, regulatory and consumer protection issues.
He received his law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc in 2001, and in 2012
he received his master degree from Faculty of Health Scienses of Semmelweis University. Between
2015-2018 she led the eHealth working group of the IT Pro Society Association, between 2016-2017
he was an innovation and IT advisor of the Healthy Budapest Programme, and he was an expert of
the Health Industry Development Strategy of the Digital Success Programme. In 2004 he founded
ReMark Solution Selling Ltd., currently a consultancy company, and in 2010 he transformed eHealth
Software Solutions Ltd., which he owns and manages, into a software development company.
Customers of his companies include national medical institutions, hospitals, central healthcare
institutions, multinational and Hungarian healthcare corporations and domestic start-ups. eHealth
company has developed and operates four national disease registries and it is an accredited
development partner of the EESZT. Its business consultants involved in the writing of the National
Digitalisation Strategy and the E-Health Strategy.
After 18 years work in the hospital as a Paediatric Surgeon, Janis changed his career to the pharmaceutical industry. He worked as a General Manager in several companies and geografies like Eastern Europe (including Ukraine), Asia, Nordics and latelly in the Baltic region. As of 2019 Janis relocated from Riga to Budapest and took over the General Manager’s position for Teva Pharmaceuticals Hungary Commercial.
Fruzsina Mezei MSc graduated from Durham University as a Medical Anthropologist in 2017 and received her master’s degree in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from Eötvös Lóránd University in 2019. She started her career at the National Public Health Centre of Hungary (NNK) as Health Policy Advisor (2017-2020) strategically planning and implementing evidence-based developments in the field of primary care. Her current focus is health economics and health technology assessment of digital health innovations and innovative medical technologies. She joined the Centre for Health Technology Assessment, Semmelweis University as a PhD student in the fall of 2021. Working on national and international healthcare projects, primarily in the field of chronic care, she has first-hand experience in the barriers of implementing innovative digital health solutions in the public health sphere. As the Digital Health Strategist of Omron Medistance, her goal is to help health technology developers overcome these barriers.
Rita Molnar earned her BA business communication degree in the Budapest College of Communication and Business in 2008. She finished her MBA master program in Budapest Metropolitan University in 2020 and she started Health Policy, planning and financing MA program in Budapest Corvinus University also in 2020. The program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of health care systems both at macro- and micro-levels within the context of technological development, an ageing population and patient expectations. She is well-prepared to work in health administration, government departments, research and consultancy agencies, universities, national health services, health care organizations and pharmaceutical and medical device industry.
She started her career as a professional photojournalist from 1997 to 2002. Rita was just 21 when she started organizing events, and she founded her own company. Her first event was an amateur film festival in Eger in 1998. Ever since, she has been organizing 2 conferences per year, mainly in the medical, VC investing and banking fields. Between 2001-2005 Rita also worked as a movie producer. She was involved in co-producing a movie directed by the iconic Magyar movie-maker Miklós Jancsó. From 2006 to late 2007 Rita managed the event marketing team at Ringier Publishing, a Hungarian subsidiary of a Swiss-based leading publishing firm. In the summer of 2010 Rita founded Slimexpo with a venture capital involvement, and she organized with her own team a Slimexpo Festival with a diet, health and beauty theme at a premium event venue in Budapest Aréna in the spring of 2011.
Dr. Nagypál Tamás a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen végzett, a neurológia (ideggyógyászat) az idegrendszer szerkezeti károsodásával magyarázható megbetegedésekkel foglalkozik. Fő érdeklődési területe az elektrofiziológia és a neuroimmunológia. Jelenleg a Zala Megyei Szent Rafael Kórház neurológus szakorvosa.
Viktor 2002-ban az Oxford Brookes University, International Business School Budapest üzleti szakán marketing specializációval végzett majd mainstream kommunikáció területén ügyfél és ügynökségi oldalon is több évet dolgozva széleskörű szakmai tapasztalatokra tett szert.
Voksát 2008-ban tette le véglegesen a gyógyszer- és egészségipar mellett, azóta kizárólag egészség marketinggel, RX és OTC termékek kommunikációjával foglalkozik, jelenleg a részben általa alapított és egyedi kutatási, videómarketing, kommunikációs ügynökségi és HCP médiaügynökségi szolgáltatásokat kínáló DIALOG Egészség Kommunikációs Cégcsoport üzletfejlesztési vezetője.
He is responsible for the establishment and operation of the National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT), As the leader of the program aimed at establishing the future of e-health, he led the development of the EESZT, and now he leading its ongoing operation. This is solidly based on his professional background that includes experience in software development project management in various industries, as well as enterprise IT operation management. He regularly presents at IT conferences and he is the author of several professional publications
Oracle Hungary
Programmer Mathematician, graduated from Eötvös Loránd University. Early in his career, he worked for several IT companies in Germany and Austria. After returning to Hungary, he became HP's E-service sales manager for the regional and Hungarian markets. Later held several positions at international and domestic companies (IQSYS, T-Systems, Microsoft, Aveva) as sales manager and sales director. Today, he is leading Oracle Hungary’s technology sales in the Hungarian healthcare and education sector.
Mátyás Szentiványi MD PhD has graduated at Semmelweis University (Budapest) in 1992 where he received his PhD degree in 2002. Between 1992 and 1997 he was a Scientific Research Fellow and an Assistant Professor at Semmelweis University (Budapest). After that he had the opportunity to expand his professional knowledge as a scientific research fellow at the Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, USA) spending ghere 2 years. Between 2000 and 2005, he worked as a Clinical Research Associate, a Project Manager and a Clinical Research Manager at Quintiles Hungary Ltd. After 2005 he was a Scientific Consultant for 5 years and a Medical Director for 8 years at Roche (Hungary) Ltd. In addition he was an active member of the Communication Ethics Committee of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (KEB) for 7 years. Since October 2018 he is the Director General of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition, where he is trying to utilize the experience he gained during his research and healthcare services for the benefit of the Institute and for the whole HUngarian population.
Kuuno’s main mission is to secure all healthcare (HC) experts (patient organization groups, doctor associations, political decision makers, health insurance, hospital leaders, universities, medicines developers and other parties) are working in close collaboration securing continuously improved outcomes for patients.
He is especially focused on how we can be faster implementing new medical guidelines in real clinical practice and how we can improve and optimize patient pathways in HC using HC digitalization and data.
As an experienced leader of medicine developer Kuuno is doing all possible to build up x-functional teams to lead and drive innovation in all countries together with all HC partners.
Kuuno joined AstraZeneca in 2007 and has 20 years of experience in the industry with proven results in leading market access and business units in various therapeutic areas in Estonia, Baltics, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, and also as a member of the leadership teams in Nordics and CEE region. Kuuno holds a Pharmacy Degree from Tartu University in Estonia. Kuuno is based in Prague.
His mission outside of work is to keep family, friends and colleagues in a good spirit and fit enjoying together numerous outdoor sports activities.
Central Hospital of Southern Pest – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
Dr Istvan Valyi-Nagy received his Medical Doctor diploma from the Faculty of General Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary. He holds board certifications in internal medicine, clinical immunology-allergy, hematology and clinical oncology. He also has a Med. Habil. degree from the University of Debrecen. Currenty, he is the General Director of the Central Hospital of Southern Pest – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (DPC-OHII). He received his Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Health Manager degrees after finishing his studies in the USA, France and England. As a researcher he spent five years at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
The main research interest of Dr. Valyi-Nagy is pharmeceutical and immunological personalized precision therapy based on molecular targeting. He is also involved in building structured data containing specific disease registries based on BigData databases and Artificial Intelligence evaluation. Over the course of the past two years of the coronavirus pandemic DPC-OHII has become the leading Hungarian center for the innovative research, development and innovation (R+D+I) and translational activities in Hungary in long standing partnership with its industrial partners Oncompass Medicine, Healthware and eHealth Solutions and experts of National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT).