The Future Digital Hospital Already Today at Ichilov: Data driven,
Intelligent, Personalized - Esther Saiag MD, MHA, MSc (Tel Aviv
Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital).
Advancing technologies and growing consumerism, are allowing more health care
services to take place in outpatient settings and at home, while more complex and
very ill patients will still require inpatient hospital care. A decade from now, we may
see fully digitalized operation of health care processes within "physical" hospitals on
one hand, along with digitalized services at "virtual" hospitals, on the other.
A well-crafted strategy for a Future Digital Hospital had laid the foundation of our
state-of-the-art newly built Smart Emergency Care Hospital. Many digital concepts
and technologies already are in play, constructing the patients digital tour, from
admission to discharge. Face recognition, charting through RPA supported by AI, self-
acceptance at kiosks, digital triage, navigation by robots and more, are all supporting
these processes and others, within the hospital.
In addition, in various elements of health care disciplines at Ichilov, we have
redefined care delivery: emerging features including centralized digital centers to
enable decision-making, continuous clinical monitoring, targeted treatments (such
as 3-D printing for surgeries), virtual and augmented reality within operating
theaters, digital pathology, digital radiology and many more. Through this
transformation, we achieved an improved digital experience for both caregivers and
patients, alongside clinical excellence and operational efficiency in the hospital.
The lecture will provide a glimpse of the wide-ranging digital transformation
described here, which we are currently implementing at Ichilov.